Campers should dress in comfortable play clothing for that can get dirty. Campers must also have closed-toe and closed-back footwear while at camp for all outdoor activities - including blacktop and playground for 2 - 6 year-olds. Flip-flops and sandals may only be worn at the pool or water play. Spare clothing is kept in the camper’s cubby, locker, bag or stored on the Earth Keeper’s bus. Campers should pack full change of clothing including shoes.
Yes! For the safety and well being of all, the OFS strives to be a nut-safe environment. This includes all tree nuts as well as groundnuts, such as peanuts. Please be mindful that lunch and snack items—for instance, crackers, trail mix and nutrient bars—do not contain any nuts.
For campers in Little Explorers and Peace Weavers, we have refrigerators and microwaves that may be used as need. Occasionally, Peace Weavers eat lunch off-campus on a field trip and will need to pack a non-perishable lunch on these days. Earth Keepers must pack a non-perishable lunch and snack each day. All campers staying in after-care receive a snack at the beginning of after-care. If you find your camper requires additional nourishment throughout the day, please send your child with extra food, and inform your camp teachers.
Your camper may transition to from half-day to full-day at the start of a new session. If you believe your half-day camper may eventually transition to full-day, you can register with the full-day option, and attend half-day hours until the camper is comfortable and ready for full days! Please note: switching from half-day to full day requires paying rate-difference.
There is drop-in extended care provided for Peace Weavers and Earth Keepers, between 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Parents will be invoiced for drop-in charges at the end of each camp session.
There is no drop-in extended care for Little Explorers. If you wish to use before or aftercare, you must pre-register for the week or session.