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The Truth About Giving

We asked some OFS families why they haven't yet made a gift to the Oneness Fund.  Here are some of the common myths about Oneness Fundraising - and  some real impact of your support.

No. 1

Myth: My gift goes into the "black hole" and I never know if it is really helping the school.

Facts: Gifts to the Oneness Fund have a tremendous impact on school life.  This year, OFS will allocate more than $40,000 to fund our experiential learning program, so students can enjoy field and camping trips complementing what they learn in class.

Bottom Line: All funds raised through the Oneness Fund support our students and staff.

wooden playground at the Lower School campus

No. 2

Myth: My gift would be too small to make a difference.

Fact: Last fiscal year, contributions of $10 to $250 totaled $22,855.  This allowed us to upgrade the playground and move forward with purchasing a new school bus.

Bottom Line: A gift to the Oneness Fund is needed and appreciated by Oneness Family School students and faculty.

No. 3

Myth: OFS tuition is so expensive that they don't need my gift.

Fact: As with other independent schools there is a gap between tuition costs and operating costs.  OFS tuition pays for 96% of expenses of educating students.  Last year our community contributed $89,175 to bridge the gap and support our staff and students.

Bottom Line: When our donors come together, small gifts add up to make a big impact.