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Our admissions office will get back to your shortly regarding your inquiry. In the meantime, we invite you to explore our Montessori Curriculum and Community Stories to learn more about what life looks like at Oneness-Family School.
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A Walk Through Oneness-Family School
Little Stars Classroom (Ages 2-3)
Little Stars Classroom (Ages 2-3)
“I Want To Do It Myself”
The Little Stars classroom is where our youngest students reside. A big part of being a toddler involves learning to care for oneself, and the teachers at this level emphasize independence, assisting the toddlers in learning to dress, wash their hands and faces, use the toilet, and keep track of their personal belongings. All of these practical life skills are important components of our Little Stars curriculum.
The first thing one hears when walking up to the classroom is singing. A child sits by the restroom singing as he waits his turn to wash his hands before snack time. Another is deeply concentrating on putting her foot into her slipper, which she has removed before stepping on the balance cubes.
Little Stars Classroom (Ages 2-3)
Little Stars Classroom (Ages 2-3)
The practical life area is full of activity—three little children are scooping, pouring, and sorting items according to color and shape. Two little girls read a book and laugh out loud as they find a little felt worm on one of the pages. It is abundantly clear that these students are in the sensitive period for small objects and details.
Montessori identified eleven different sensitive periods occurring from birth through the age of six: order, movement, small objects, grace and courtesy, refinement of the senses, writing, reading, language, spatial relationships, music, and mathematics.
Preschool—Kindergarten (Ages 3-6)
Preschool—Kindergarten (Ages 3-6)
“Help Me Help Myself”
Whenever one peeks into the Sun and Moon Rooms, students wave cheerfully and often come up to tell or show a visitor what they are working on.
Love is in the air! For the month of February, the students in the Children's Peace Garden have been learning about love, honesty, and colors. Secret Valentine projects for parents are underway. A healthy snack prepared by the teachers is available.
As there are three age groups in the rooms, a variety of activities are going on at the same time. On any typical day in a Montessori classroom, you will find children working on a floor rug or at the table, and today is no different! A child lays out a three-part picture and nomenclature cards for the frog, matching them to physical models for each stage, while another uses a magnifying glass to examine objects that the students have discovered in nature.
Preschool—Kindergarten (Ages 3-6)
In the math area, someone is working on the Hundred Board lesson, arranging number tiles from one to one hundred into a lined grid. A younger child works with Cards and Counters, laying out quantities to match numerals and identifying odd and even numbers. At a table nearby, a child uses the Stamp Game to multiply a number in the thousands, using dynamic regrouping skills in the process and recording his answer on paper.
A staple material and one often recognized as “Montessori” are the sensorial materials such as the pink tower or brown stairs. A child works to construct patterns and forms using the Pink Tower and Brown Stair, as he forms a strong sense of dimension, spatial relations, and patterns.
Preschool—Kindergarten 2
Preschool—Kindergarten (Ages 3-6)
In the language area, a child works on handwriting refinement by tracing the forms of print manuscripts. An older child who is an emerging reader is spending time with a beginning reader book, supported by the teacher as needed, as she sounds out the text and uses sight word skills. A child is matching small objects to written word cards with their names.
How exciting to see an older child who formerly struggled with reading help a younger classmate as they attempt to sound out a word! Both children benefit from the mixed-age classroom—the older child is so proud of being able to help the younger child, and the younger child admires the older student and learns from them.
As Dr. Montessori said, "The essential thing is to arouse such an interest that it engages the child’s whole personality."
Lower Elementary (Ages 6-9)
Lower Elementary (Ages 6-9)
"Help Me Think for Myself"
The Lower Elementary classrooms are located on the sunny upper level. The main classroom hosts most of the cultural and language materials, while across the hallway, you find the library and math area. Students move freely between the rooms. A first grader proudly shows the birthday board display with his baby pictures and gives a summary of what his friends said about him during the birthday celebration.
Lower Elementary (Ages 6-9) - 2
Lower Elementary (Ages 6-9)
The elementary-aged child is a highly social individual with a strong imagination, eager to explore their world and the human experience within it.
Dr. Montessori designed the Elementary program to nurture these characteristics. The Arbor classroom is designed to be calm and comforting, with sunlight, plants, and hands-on materials creating a welcoming environment.
It is evident that the teachers spark the imagination and understand the student’s need to interact with others. Students learn both independently and collaboratively. Some students work with a teacher, while others work with peers.
Lower Elementary (Ages 6-9) - 3
Lower Elementary (Ages 6-9)
Students are able to work either on the floor or at tables depending on their chosen work and their preferred mode of learning. They set their work up in a manner that feels comfortable for them, and the hands-on nature of the language materials makes even advanced grammar concepts approachable and enjoyable.
It is incredible how peaceful it can be in this classroom. Although the Arbor is our largest class at 35 students, all children are intently focused on what they need to do for a given lesson. What’s even more amazing is how evident it is that they are happy doing it!
Students progress at their own pace, using control of error and teacher feedback to guide their work. Control of Error is the quality within the materials that enables a child to complete and correct the task without assistance.
Lower Elementary (Ages 6-9) - 4
Lower Elementary (Ages 6-9)
The Cosmic Curriculum, a cornerstone of Montessori philosophy, gives students a concept of their place in and impact on their community and the world.
Lessons start with the whole (i.e., the universe) and work toward the parts (i.e., cultures, history, geography, species, etc.). This gives the child a sense of perspective—within the big picture of the universe, everything the child learns is connected. When understood as connected parts of a whole, new information gains relevance, an essential part of capturing a child’s interest.
Math, language, geometry, geography, history, science, and literature are just a few subject areas covered in the "Five Great Lessons" of this curriculum. These standard Montessori lessons provide a “Big Picture” to demonstrate how the sciences, art, history, language, and geography are interrelated.
Upper Elementary (Ages 9-12)
Upper Elementary (Ages 9-12)
"Help Me Help Others"
On the same sunny floor, one can visit the Academy class. Inspired by the Montessori tradition, the teachers give students ample opportunities to explore, gain knowledge, and demonstrate a thorough understanding of their learning.
Each student works independently but responsibly. A student in between work observes a classmate getting a lesson. At the big round table, a group of students is engaged in a lively discussion regarding concepts of climate change. Meanwhile, another student is immersed in a novel, seemingly unaware of the activities around him.
Upper Elementary (Ages 9-12) - 2
Upper Elementary (Ages 9-12)
At this level, one sees that the students' drive to work through a lesson, equation, or research question is often intrinsically motivated, not teacher-driven.
The students are given guiding questions, and then they are free to explore and research questions such as “How did the natural features of Earth develop over time?”, “How does physical geography affect living things?” and “What are the needs common to all people?”
One of the students excitedly explains that this year, as part of their studies of early humans, the Academy class will venture into the woods to practice early-human-style survival skills such as shelter building and food gathering. This trip is designed both to stimulate their imagination about the adaptations of early human species, as well as to learn how best to cooperate and communicate to accomplish a goal in a group.
Middle School (Age 12-15)
Middle School (Ages 12-15)
"Help Me Find Myself"
Many Oneness-Family School middle school students have been at the school since they were toddlers in our Little Stars program and have now grown into independent, compassionate, and curious young adolescents.
When you walk into the middle school classroom, you will see students working together with friends or by themselves on assignments from their weekly Natural World/ Social World/ Language checklists. The students are free to sit at tables, on the bleachers, or in the hallway to complete their work. There is a general hum of students discussing, laughing, and getting work done.
Middle School (Age 12-15) - 2
Middle School (Ages 12-15)
Our middle school is characterized by a student-centered approach that enables students to manage time, exercise choice, organize themselves and practice self-regulation within the classroom.
Group work gives students the opportunity to engage in process skills critical for processing information and evaluating and solving problems, as well as leadership skills through the use of roles within groups, and assessment tools involved in weighing options to make decisions about their group's final answer.
Thank You!
Thank you for joining me on this walk through our Montessori classrooms! I hope this tour has given you an idea of how the Montessori philosophy is practiced in each classroom and each facet of our curriculum. We welcome you to visit the school for a tour and learn more!
- Bodil Eriksson
Director of Curriculum & Primary Programs